Just wanted to share some Easter ideas with you all before the big weekend.
First I made my kiddos dress in their Easter outfits early just so I could snap a couple shots for all of you to see.

For Elizabeth's dress I used white muslin for the lining, this gorgeous fancy eyelet in mint that I found on fabric.com, and moda fandango cotton (my favorite line from last season). I also used a gathered flower ribbon that I found at Hobby Lobby for $1 a yard (on sale). It is a basic bodice that I attached elastic in casing to for the shoulders. It gives it that scrunched look that I love. Then I added the skirt. I cut 2 pieces of the white that were 16 inch x 30 inch. Then I cut the eyelet 12.5 inch x 30 inches. I sewed a loose stitch all the way across the top and gathered the skirt. Then I added it to the bodice. I made the sash out of the white, and added the flower ribbon to the top. Then I created a fabric flower and added a yellow button to the middle.

Her head band is just fabric flowers that I played with and hot glued to felt. Then I wrapped a headband in white fabric and glued the flowers to the top.

For Jackson's tie I used the same fabric as the bodice of Lizzy's dress. I thought he deserved something special as well. He thought it was really cool to have a real tie like dad. He even had dad tie it for him. I got the pattern from this website:
After the photoshoot we made resurrection rolls. I have seen these floating around the web and have to admit I love the idea for Easter and they taste really good. If you would like to teach your kids about Christ and Easter this is a great lesson and activity. You can find the instructions

Finally we made Easter cards for our grandparents and great grandparents. They love getting cards. I cut out the shapes and the kids glued them on (with a little guidance) and then added stickers and their own drawings inside. Here are some of the cards we made.

Adorable, Jessica! :)
I feel so behind with Easter so close!! I'm always amazed by your sewing!
The dress is just beautiful and the tie looks fantastic!!
Beautiful dress! I just love the colors
Ver vute. Love the dress and the matching tie. www.mylifeunzipped.blogspot.com
This article is quite in-depth and gives a good overview of the topic. Thanks https://youractivityninja.com/online-dance-classes-for-kids
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