I have 2 projects to share with you today. I have just been having so much fun with this reuse and recycle week. I have a lot more projects along this idea (just didn't have time to finish them.)
Here is the first project. It is actually kind of a fail project but I know how I messed it up.
I fell in love with the idea of this t-shirt on Pinterest. I LOVE OMBRE and dying fabrics.

Here is my take.
I started with a plain white shirt.

This shirt is actually dip dyed so I started with the bottom of the shirt and held it in the dye for about 2 min. Then I moved up another 1/3 of the shirt and held that in the dye for another 2 min. I left the top white.

Here is where I messed up. When I rinsed the shirt I rinsed the whole thing. Next time I will leave the white portion out of the water so that the dye doesn't bleed into the white part. I used Rit dye in Scarlet if you are wondering about the color. If you want more info about dying fabric check out this
post for my formula. I still like the shirt and think it is pretty cute for Valentine's Day. Maybe I can add some embellishments to jazz it up a bit.
The next project was inspired by the long socks at Target. Have you seen them? They are so cute and less than $2 each. I don't really wear socks like this but I thought it would be fun to make something out of them. So I went with new tights for my daughter. I took an old pair of tights that don't fit her anymore in the length but do fit her waist. Then I used a current pair of tights that fit her now as my pattern.

The grey polka dots are the socks, the black polka dots are the current fitting tights, and the white are the old tights.

Start by lining up your socks with the current tights at the heel. Now you will be able to use the current tights to measure the length of the foot. I also used the length of the current tights to measure the length of the socks. Cut off the tip of the foot of the socks and the top of the socks using the current tights as a measurement. Repeat with other side.

Now use the top of the current tights to measure how long to cut the top of the old tights. Mine had about a 2inch inseam.

Now match up the right side of the socks with the right side of the old tights top. Make sure you are matching right side to right side and pin together. Then sew making sure not to sew the underneath portion of the socks (otherwise your little girl will not be able to put her leg through the tights, :)

Finally finish by sewing the toes closed. I would do it in more of a curved motion because otherwise it will end up having a lot of tights in the toes.

Turn right side out and your are done!

Can you imagine all the possibilities! You can make a new pair of tights for each outfit and you won't have to worry about searching for the perfect pair of tights!
Another thought comes to mind as I am writing this post....how about ombre dyed tights? I already know my next project!!
I love the tights idea! Something I will definitely do when my baby girl out grows her tights.
this is genius, Target has so many long socks that are about to go on sale with the warmer weather - I better start stocking up! Love it!
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