Summertime is finally here! It is all exciting and grand at first but now that school has been out for about 2 weeks the summer moto has become, "I'm BORED!" for many kids. Which means trouble for mom. As a teacher I love summer break but as a mom I know it is hard to keep the house clean, the dishes done, and the children entertained all summer long. That is where the idea of the "I'm Bored" Jar was born. This is a special jar that mom's can use to keep their little ones busy. The best part about the "I'm Bored" jar is that it is totally random and never what you expect.
Here's how it works... when a child says, "I'm Bored", all they need to do is go to the jar and pick a stick. Then they have to do whatever the stick says. But the pure delight is that it is not always something the child might want to do, and it is not always something mom might want to do. BUT YOU HAVE TO DO WHATEVER THE STICK SAYS! It is a bonding time for mom's and kids to do activities together as well. I think it is fun to have a surprise, you never know what you might get.
Now my kids are too young for this but I can see it coming in handy in the future. So I made an example based on a 6+year old. Here is a list of the activities I included in my jar.
Clean your room
Read a book or your scriptures
Practice your flashcards
Clean the bathroom
Organize the food storage
Organize your closet
Weed for 30 minutes
Take the dog for a walk
Write in your journal
Unload the dishwasher
Go to a movie
Make homemade play dough
Make some cookies
Vacuum the house
Dust the house
Play a board game
Make a card for Grandma or Grandpa
Have a picnic
Make some finger puppets and have a puppet show
Go to the pool or the beach
Make a giant sand castle
Go get ice cream at the ice cream shop
Do a puzzle
Go on an adventure to some place new
All you need for this little project is:
-a jar (I got mine from the dollar store)
-some flat wood sticks or tongue sticks (Hobby Lobby)
-scrapbook paper
-mod podge
Cover one side of your sticks with the scrapbook paper.
I am linking up HERE
I love this idea When my 19 month old is around 6 it will be perfect!
Oh my.... I have to say, as an adult, I think I may try this trick on myself! There are so many times I forget about the craft projects I could be doing or that book I haven't read and so I just sit watching a re-run on the telly with the mantra of "this is boring" running around in my head!
I think I'll use some heavy weight crafting paper so that I can fit more ideas in the jar!
Love the idea of using the popsicle sticks. Linked your post in our recent blog post about "I'm Bored" jar.
Vacuum Brush Not Spinning
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