Wednesday, February 22, 2012

WOW US linky Party-#5

Welcome to our 5th WOW US Wednesday Linky Party. Thanks to everyone for linking up last week, make sure to spread the word and lets gets some more links this week. Last week was incredible I couldn't choose just one so here are my favorites from last week.

Valentine's Day dress from EmmylouBeeDoo

Talk about amazing piping and I love the colors.

How to Make a Light Box from Kreative Resources

This is so easy and versatile for kids or home decor.

Sweet Little Baby Dress from House of Estrela

I just love the bubble effect and the sweet little girl colors.

So now is your turn to share....WOW US!

Here are the rules again:

-follow A Couple of Craft Addicts
-visit the other sites


  1. Thank you for the feature, ladies!! :D

  2. Wow! It's the first time I was featured!!! Thanks so much!!! =)


We appreciate you taking the time to leave us comments. Although we might not respond to every comment, each one brings a smile and keeps us motivated and inspired to continue creating!