I have a big folder titled "craft to do" on my desktop. It's a place to store all the fun tutorials I've found online but have yet to actually try. I love Fun Find Fridays because I'm able to look through my folder and take advantage of all the wonderful tutorials creative minds are willing to share. This week I found a tutorial on accordion albums. Such an easy and pretty paper craft. I can't believe I haven't taken the time to make one before! Eighteen 25 made cute brag books with hers.
For the original post, go here
This week I had lunch with a friend that told me about a really funny gift she recently gave her husband. For their wedding anniversary, she gave him a book that listed the translation of "you're right" in fifteen different languages. She told him he could use it anytime he didn't know what to say to her. Hysterical. She had found the book at a used bookstore and wasn't sure of the author. I looked online and unfortunately didn't find the book. My wedding anniversary is next weekend so I decided to try and make my own little "you're right" book for my husband. Don't worry, I'll get him a nice gift too. :)
I started by making an image for the cover at scrapblog.
My pages are 4" x 4". If I ever do this again, I'd probably make them slightly larger. I just cut several 12" strips of paper and made a trifold with out any measurements. Then I glued the book together following the tutorial. It was EASY!
I had found some translations to "you're right" online (not sure of the translation site but there are a zillion out there). If you're interested in making something similar, you can paste the image below onto a word document to print.
I cut my translations out and glued them into the book.
I'm still interested in finding the book but this will work for a silly anniversary gift.
I like #1. LMAO!!!